Monday, April 13, 2009

Subversive Objectives

There is a report written by DHS wherein they consider the Tea Party shindigs as extremest events, and implies that the principle underpinnings are subversive in nature. Kind of makes you wonder what they would think of the founders. At the blog Legal Insurrection, William Jacobsen has links to the pertinent documents and references.

I suspect they're right though, it being the intent of the Tea Party participants to subvert the goals of this particular instantiation of the executive branch of the federal government. It might be useful to try to discern from the actions to date what the goals are for President Obama and his ardent followers.

It seems clear that he intends to use the current economic imbroglio as the rationale for implementing fascism, government control of private assets, on a scale that makes Hillary's 1993 health care grab look puny in comparison. Never let a good crisis go to waste, I think he said. It seems clear that he intends to do it by spending enough to put each of us so far in debt that we become a nation of highly leveraged borrowers with no capacity to become independent of goverment machinations. I believe that makes us slaves, or at least serfs. Who'd have thought that our first halfrican-American president would be the one to create a new kind of slavery? It seems clear that he wants to water down the power of our vote by allowing 10's of millions of undocumented immigrants. Sovereignty requires two things; borders, and the capacity to control who crosses them.

If the President allows folks to cross the border willy-nilly, and the Constitution requires that we allow unrestricted state to state travel, and the executive branch owns the census, and the census controls who gets the money, where are the checks and balances that stop the president from taking all that he wants from each of us. and giving it to his buddies?

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